A Car Service Medicaid Logistics Dilevery Company
Our 4 hour regular service, starts at 9 AM and can be used up until 3 PM. After 3 PM, rush charges apply. Standard Price Buffalo to Buffalo $15.00 per delivery. Extended Hours $30.00
Currently we offer services to the following providers: 1.Medicaid 2. Icircle 3.National Med Trans 4. Fidelis Care
Pre-schedule all your transportation needs and save $$$. All trips must be prepaid. We accept all major credit cards, Check and Bitcoin
DIALYSIS TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Do you offer dialysis treatment and have patients who need regular transportation? Are you or a loved one on dialysis and in need of a ride? We provide specialized dialysis transportation services to help patients get to and from appointments. Whether a patient has End Stage Renal Disease or is on a short-term dialysis treatment, we’re here to make transportation as easy as possible.
Here you can add a short description about the service that is offered to book general information, terms and more. Here you can add a short description about the service that is offered to book general information, terms and more.Read More